Since the last 100 years they have been developing expertise in Design , Manufacturing and Marketing of Fashion goods , Footwear and Accessories. They also carry out Social compliance tests , Environmental Audits , Chemical and Safety Analysis ,Consulting and Training.Their partners are Inescop ( Spain ) , Bio Mechanica , PFI Group etc.Their offices are located in China , India , Spain , Bangladesh , Vietnam , Cambodia , USA , Italy etc.
Since the last 100 years they have been developing expertise in Design , Manufacturing and Marketing of Fashion goods , Footwear and Accessories.
Please contact through web site
France – 4, Rue Hermann Frenkel , 69367 Lyons , Cedex 7
India – B-32 , SEctor 63 , Noida , 201301 , Delhi NCR , India
Please use the web site for contact , India – +91 120 4871102