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Carbon Trust

Carbon Trust
London- +44(0)20 3944 0968 , China – +86 10 6528 6500 , SA – +27 12 764 7210 , India – +91 99 7182 9779
They help organisations contribute to and benefit from a more sustainable future through carbon reduction & commercialization of low carbon technologies.They can help by cleantech incubation & venture support etc. Their clients include Tesco, Pepsico, Samsung, World Bank, Scottish Govt. etc. They have site offices at Africa, China, Latin America, etc
They help organisations contribute to and benefit from a more sustainable future through carbon reduction & commercialization of low carbon technologies.
Please contact through the web site ; London- info@carbon trust .com , India@carbon trust.com , USA@ carbontrust.com
HQ – 4th Floor, Dorset House, 27-45 Stamford Street , London, SE 1 9 NT, UK
Please contact through the web site