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Structural Engineering Research Centre

+91 44 2254 2139 / 9201 / 9203
Director- Prof. S Kapuria : Chief scientist- Dr. S Rajans : Advisor- Dr. B K Rao: along with 80 more scientists.
Their clients include State and Central Govts.

They offer expertise for the analysis, design& testing of structures and structural components including special structures, sandwich structures, damage detection, structural health monitoring, finite element, Laboratories analysis, HR  Development etc.

They offer expertise for the analysis, design& testing of structures and structural components including special structures, sandwich structures, damage detectionetc.
director@serc.res.in ; advisor@serc.res.in
CSIR, CSIR Road, Taramani, Chennai, 600 113 , TN, India
+91 44 2254 1508