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UK: +44 203 077 7900
Chairman- Rob Knott, CEO- Ashley Wright , Principal – Denise Anderson with 10000 employees
Please visit their web site. They have offices in UK, USA , Qatar, UAE , New Zealand, Guam, Fiji etc for the last 90 years.

They are an employees owned firm who  provide engineering and consultancy services for Architecture, Digitisation, energy & resources, Environment,geo sciences, transportation , water systems etc .

They serve many sectors including Energy, Environment, Property and buildings, etc.

They have 10000 employees spread in fifteen countries with a revenue of AUD 2.2 Bln.

They are an employees owned firm who  provide engineering and consultancy services for Architecture, Digitisation, energy & resources, Environment,geo sciences, transportation , water systems etc .
Please contact thru the web site
UK : Level6, 10 Fetter Lane, London, EC 4A 1 BR
Please contact thru the web site