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Roland Berger

Roland Berger
Germany: +49 89 92300 , France: +33 1 53670 320
Sr. Partner- Stefan Schaibe with 2400 employees
experience of more than 20 years

They provide management consultancy,digitisation, IT transformation and transactions, restructuring, sustainability analysis,etc for many sectors including defense & aerospace automotives, chemicals,retail/ agro industry, pharma / health services,telecom,energy, logistics etc.

This is a partners owned business,with more than 50 locations and revenue of ~$ Mln 670.

They provide management consultancy,digitisation, IT transformation and transactions, restructuring, sustainability analysis,etc for many sectors including defense etc.
Please contact thru the web site , press@roland berger.com
HQ – RB GmbH, Sederanger1, 80538 Munich Germany
France-62-64 Rue de Lisbonne, Paris,
Germany: +49 89 9230 8202 , France: +33 1 53670 375