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UK: +44 0 1803 407757 , +44 0 800 056 9059 , Germany: +49 0 800 000 0547
more than 40 in UK
They have experience of 97 years, 674 global distributors, 95,000 global end customers with operationsin Middle east .Uk and Africa

They provide consultancy and environmentally sealed connectors and components globally, viz circular power connectors, circular data connectors,IEC connectors,fuse holders, sensors, indicators etc for several sectors including oil/gas, marine, transport & infrastructure, automotive, medical, renewable energy, data & telecommunication, leisure, Agriculture, consumer, electrics etc.

They provide consultancy and environmentally sealed connectors and components globally, viz circular power connectors, circular data connectors,IEC connectors,fuse holders, sensors, indicators etc for several sectors .
Please contact thru the web site , info@bulgin.com
UK – 200 Cambridge Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge, CB4 0 GZ
Please contact thru the web site