The orga bhp Bilton , Rio Tinto , Xstrata , nisation has been in operation for more than 30 years. They have completed 8000 assignments in 100 countries . Their services include Mining , Geotech Engineering , Geology , Coal and energy , Mettallurgy , Engineering services , Feasibility Reports , Corporate Consultancy , Business improvement and training. Their clients include bhp Bilton , Rio Tinto ,Xstrata , Iluka , New crest , Atlas , Lonmin , OKtedi Mining etc
More than 30 years experience in various aspects of Mining and Geotechnology for giving innovative solutions to both new and existing Mines. ; ; . Please also use website.
Corporate Office: AMC Consultants , Level 29 , 140 William Street , Melbourne , VIC 3000 , Australia.
They have offices in Australia , Canada , Singapore , UK ,