They have 25 years of experience in Artificial Intelligence & Automation and have been providing services related to Business Design , IT Delivery & Transformation and Outsourcing strategy to various sectors viz. Consumer , Defense , Energy , Financial Services , Health , Government , Life sciences , Manufacturing , Transport , Logistics etc. Their clients include Hyperloop One , Rabo Bank , AT&T , GE , TATA , Stanchart Bank , Reliance etc.They have offices also in India , Abu Dhabi , UAE , Denmark etc.
They have 25 years of experience in Artificial Intelligence & Automation and have been providing services related to Business Design , IT Delivery etc.
Please use the web site for contact
UK : 10 Bressenden Place , London , SW1E 5DN , AND, Prospect House , 5 Thistle street , Edinburgh , EH2 1DF: India : 3A & 3B , Nitesh broadway , 9/3 MG Road , Bangaluru , India , 560 001.