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Indian Small Scale Paint Association

+91 22 2836 6359 ; Secretary – +91 98 492 39505 / +91 95 058 19787 ; President – +91 95 954 22262/ +91 83 291 55293
President – M Parekh , Secretary -H. Raythatha
This was formed in 1956 and has today 1146 Ordinary Members and 753 Associate members, making it the largest in the world.Its charter is to promote and protect the Members , inform about the Government Regulations , Update Technology and Management practices etc.
This was formed in 1956 and has today 1146 Ordinary Members and 753 Associate members, making it the largest in the world.
secretary @ isspa.org , office @ isspa.org , president @ isspa .org , isspasecretary@gmail.com
ISSPA , 104, Shubham Centre No 1 , Cardinal Gracias Road , Chakala , Andheri ( E ) , Mumbai , 400 099 , India
+91 22 2832 6656